Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

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Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

(adult swim) Brand new series - The End of the Beginning: Emma tries to find her way back to Unicorn as they struggle against the growing power of the evil entity. Series finale. (Ep10)

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Series 1
(adult swim) Brand new series - A Love's Last Light: Unicorn's struggle with the evil entity takes them to an unexpected place, where their foe's power grows exponentially. Animation. (Ep9)
(adult swim) Brand new series - Darkness Before the Dawn: Striking fantasy animation. The team discover something that will change their lives forever. (Ep8)
(adult swim) Brand new series - The Heart of Kings: Unicorn's quest to fix Copernicus leads them into a war for control of Edred's homeland. Animation. (Ep7)
(adult swim) Brand new series - The Mystery of Secrets: Animation. Melinda and Edred seek a mechanical genius to fix Copernicus. Seng searches for a solution across the Sea of Time. (Ep6)