Traffic Cops

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Traffic Cops

In Derbyshire, police are on the hunt for a car linked to the theft of two motorbikes.

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Series 9
Following a crack down on drugs, including money laundering and suspected drugs runners.
The hunt for suspected drug dealers, and the seizure of almost 50 thousand pounds.
A fire extinguisher is launched from a fleeing getaway car.
Series 13
Officers launch a drink and drug driving crackdown and make about 200 arrests.
Series 9
Police stop an out-of-control driver whose passenger is a child without a seat belt.
A dangerous driver pushes the police to the limits, reaching speeds of over 150 mph.
There's a high-speed cross-border pursuit when a wanted man refuses to stop.
Series 10
On Derbyshire's roads a motorcycle versus car crash has fatal results.
Series 9
Alex and Jason chase down a gang of teenage suspects.
Series 8
Derbyshire's finest face issues with motorcyclists.
Police numbers in Derbyshire have reduced by 400, meaning officers often patrol alone.
Derbyshire's finest face a series of issues with motorcyclists.
Drink drivers are trying to think of ways to beat the system.
Derbyshire's cops launch a crackdown on drugs supply lines.
Alex stops a car carrying an armed suspect.
Alex pulls over a young drunk driver trying to impress his mates.
Jason's copper's instinct helps him spot a motorcyclist.
Series 11
A dangerous drunk driver leads traffic cops on a 20-minute chase through busy areas.
Series 8
Ant and Mark's pursuit of a stolen moped takes them off their patch into Sheffield.