The Cops

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The Cops

Rumours spread that Brian Skillet was severely beaten in jail.

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Series 1
Natalie and Mike's conflict with Brian Skillet continues, while Mel and Jaz are alerted to a break-in.
Roy battles to ensure the brutality allegation against him is quashed. Mel faces a dilemma after arresting a teenage girl for soliciting. Dean suffers a beating.
Danny and Jellicoe are stuck in a town centre buzzing with shoppers and high-spirited football fans. Later the call comes to investigate the disappearance of a child.
It's Mike's stag night, but a fight puts his reputation and his career on the line.
Mike and Natalie come face to face with an armed criminal.
A young man threatens to jump from the top of a town-centre department store.
Mel Draper is high on speed at a nightclub when she realises her shift is about to start. The arrival of mysterious Sergeant Giffen causes a stir.