Super Surgeons: A Chance At Life

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Super Surgeons: A Chance At Life

Ex-navy pilot Rich has a huge 16cm tumour running from his jaw to his heart. Meanwhile, nearly all the organs in Tracy's pelvis need removal to combat her stage four bowel cancer. (S2 Ep2)

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Series 2
The series that goes behind the scenes at world-leading cancer hospital Royal Marsden, where aspiring midwife Anthea has a difficult tumour that could lead to arm amputation. (S2 Ep1)
Series 1
At The Royal Marsden, Will needs a new windpipe due to throat cancer. And a rare tumour means all of Melissa's reproductive system must be removed if she's to survive. (S1 Ep3/3)
Peter has a fast-growing tumour and needs throat reconstruction to save his life. Janet's pancreatic cancer is wrapped around a vital vein - can the growth be removed? (S1 Ep2/3)
Behind the scenes at the world-leading Royal Marsden Hospital, as surgeons attempt pioneering cancer treatments, including a high-risk bid to save a woman's voice box. (S1 Ep1/3)
Series 2
Fitness fanatic Jonathan requires pioneering robotic surgery for a rare melanoma. And ex-postie Dave needs a vascular tumour removed from around his left kidney. (S2 Ep4/4)
Lauren, who's 30, has endured a rare cancer called myxoid-liposarcoma since she was eight. Can a new surgery fix it and finally allow Lauren to get on with her life? (S2 Ep3/4)