Lorraine is an entertainment show on ITV1. Join Lorraine Kelly as she presents a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz glamour as well as the latest fashion, food and celebrity gossip. The popular program has been available since 2023. A total of 258 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in December 2024.
Last broadcast:20/12/2024 at 09:00Genres: Entertainment Talk Shows Current affairs & News
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Lorraine Kelly presents a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz gossip.
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Wildlife Monitor Maggie Coll speaks to Ranvir ahead of spending Christmas in Antartica.
Lorraine Kelly presents a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz gossip.
Lorraine Kelly presents a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz gossip.
Lorraine Kelly presents a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz gossip.