Get Set Galactic

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Get Set Galactic

Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on the senses, animal habitats and pollination. The recycling compartment is full, and the contents start to tumble down the space chute.

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Series 2
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on coding, animal habitats and healthy eating. Sam receives a video call from two members of his Young Scientist Club on Earth.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on objects floating and sinking, plants and healthy eating. James, Sam and Ayo need a new team photo for the STARS noticeboard.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on floating, sinking, seasons and gravity. Sam needs salt for his recipe, James has used it up making Chris the salt crystal.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on sound pitch, the human body and forces. Ayo and Sam look at maps of places on earth and a map of the solar system.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on coding, shadows and pollination. STARS is almost out of space lettuce, but James has an ingenious way to grow some more.
Two teams take on scientific challenges based on heavier and lighter, the human body and the solar system. James grows a crop of lemons, which gives Sam an idea for an 'invisible' experiment.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on materials, plants and forces. James is excited about his fossils, but one of them has gone missing.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on sound pitch, fossils and memory. The teams attempt to make the perfect parachute by trying and testing several prototypes.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on the senses, fossils and bridges. Ayo is trying to mend her nana’s phone, but it looks nothing like Sam and James’s phones.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on heavy and light, maps and memory. Sam is excited because he is about to turn on the brand new STARS super telescope.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on different materials, maps and gravity. James, Sam and Ayo celebrate Earth Day with some young friends back on earth.
Series 1
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on magnets, sound and pollination. Ayo dreams of inventing something spectacular, just like famous scientist Leonardo da Vinci did.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on colours, personal hygiene and gravity. Sam and Ayo test out their sound wave monitor by making their own musical instruments.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on buoyancy, sound and the seasons. Ayo is challenged to defy gravity using just a cup, some water and a piece of card.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on forces, fossils and memory. Sam and Ayo must keep the lab at a cold temperature so they can conduct an experiment with ice.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on senses, personal hygiene and recycling. Detective Ayo searches for fingerprints to discover who borrowed her new book.
Two teams take on scientific challenges based on magnets, energy and the solar system. Ayo and Sam use measurements to make sure they plant their space orchid seeds correctly.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on animals, seasons and structures. Ayo and Sam prepare for a mission but must make sure their space packs aren’t too heavy.
Two teams take on three scientific challenges based on colours, shadows and pollination. Ayo teaches Sam a method of remembering lots of items by creating a story about them.