George And Mildred

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George And Mildred

A valuable family heirloom could change the Ropers' fortunes - if Mildred can get to it.

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Series 5
When Mildred sends George's goldfish Moby to a watery grave, he considers another hobby.
Series 4
George and Jeffrey fall out over a game of table tennis during the season of goodwill.
Series 5
George looks to the new barmaid at the Red Lion for some yuletide solace.
Mildred is frustrated that George is holding her back from having better social status.
Mildred is suspicious when George buys her an expensive present for their anniversary.
Series 4
Mildred's dog is in season and she wants Truffles to have all the things she never had.
George has to babysit Tarquin when Jeffrey and Ann entrust him to the Ropers for the day.
After resigning from his job, George wonders how he can break the news to Mildred.
Mildred gets a bee in her bonnet about having a Hollywood-style shower fitted.
Mildred faces the prospect of becoming a step-grandmother.
George finally finds his vocation, much to Mildred's delight - or so she thinks.
Series 3
It's a sad day when George takes his father to the old folks' home.
When Ann's new baby arrives, it is up to the Ropers to rally round.
Mildred has high hopes when George is in with a chance of a new job - but they don't last.
Series 2
George faces up to the loss of his budgie, while Mildred hunts for jumble to donate.
Series 1
George accuses his next-door neighbour of attempted murder.
George decides to trade in his old car for a broken-down caravan.
Mildred finds out that George only has a small endowment.
Mildred becomes broody and starts to dream of motherhood - much to George's dismay.