Eggheads is a quiz show on Channel 5. Four contestants take on the mighty Eggheads, some of the brainiest quizzers the British Isles has to offer, hoping to outsmart them and win the cash prize - or see it roll over to the next contest. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 31 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in December 2024.
Last broadcast:09/12/2024 at 18:30Genres: Quiz
Last episode
Hoping to wipe the smiles off the Eggheads' faces are Mon the Dale from Glasgow.
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Quizzing are the Bad Avengers from Northern Ireland, friends who all work together.
Hoping to topple the behemoths are the Dead Parrots, a championship family team.
Quizzing are Sexual Chocolate, who quiz every week at The Phantom Coach in Coventry.
Quizzing are Trebles for Show, Doubles for Dough, who shares a passion for darts.
Hoping they have the answers on Monday are the MK Quizzards, friends who quiz together.
Hoping to wipe the smiles off the Eggheads' faces are the Wynchs from Birmingham.
Taking on our awesome quiz champions on Wednesday are Bull and Bush from Shepshed.
Facing the titans of quiz are the Ravens, associated with the Bridgend Quiz League.
Hoping to win are Buckle Up, who met when they attended University of Bradford together.
Hoping they have the answers is the Cord Crew from the Spinal Injuries Association.