Eden: Untamed Planet

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Eden: Untamed Planet

In southeast Alaska, there's an ice-bound Eden that harbours possibly the richest temperate rainforests of all.

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Series 1
At the far tip of South America lies a magical realm that seems frozen in time: Patagonia, known as 'the end of the world'.
How the Galapagos became one of the most important areas of biodiversity in the world, with almost 2,000 unique species, including 97% of its reptiles and mammals.
At the very end of east Africa's Great Rift Valley, there’s a 'land that time forgot' – the rolling grasslands of the Luangwa Valley.
The Namib Desert is one of the oldest deserts in the world, flourishing with life where none seems possible. This programme reveals its hidden water sources.
A look at Borneo - the richest rainforest island of all, home to 60,000 species of plants and animals. 6,000 of them are unique, and more are discovered almost daily.