Danny And Mick

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Danny And Mick

Danny is convinced it's Joy’s birthday and he sets about organising a surprise party that’ll surprise everybody - especially Joy!

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Series 1
With a wedding to organise, nothing can go wrong today. But Danny accidentally orders 10,000 toilet rolls and needs to hide them from the boss.
Danny and Mick get their skates on in order to get their jobs done in time for the roller disco – that spells wheely big trouble for everyone.
Comedy series. Danny and Mick’s dad Clive has turned up with his latest in a long line of money-making schemes: washing customers’ cars while they use the leisure centre.
Comedy series. When Danny is too tired to take on Lance in the annual ping pong competition, Mick is forced to extreme lengths to get his brother the nap he needs.
Comedy series. Joy wants to open a luxury spa centre at Pottsfield and vlogger Luke Cutforth is the first guest. Danny and Mick must put together a luxury treatment.
Comedy series. Pop star Zoe Now arrives to open the new reception. Joy asks Danny and Mick to welcome her, but their attempts at hospitality leave her without a voice.
Comedy series. Danny and Mick’s boss has had her office redecorated and asks the brothers to tidy up. A small stain leads to big problems as they try to paper over their mistake.
Series 2
It looks like Pottsfield’s hopes of winning the gymnastic competition are over when everyone comes down with a fever. Only Danny and Mick can save the day!
Stuff is going missing in the leisure centre so Danny and Mick decide to spend the night keeping guard. Can they control their fear and catch the thief? Of course not!
Series 5
Danny and Mick are tasked with cleaning the sports hall roof - what could possibly go wrong?