The Young Offenders

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The Young Offenders

There’s a new Fake Billy Murphy in town, and he steals Conor’s most prized possession – the engraved lighter given to him by his best friend Jock.

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Series 4
Conor is becoming an increasing nuisance in Healy and Mairéad’s house, and when Healy shares that he’s going on a fishing trip to where he grew up, Mairead insists he bring Conor.
Conor takes on a job in the fishmongers, still desperate to get back with his former flame Linda. Conor’s arch-enemy, Gavin Madigan, continues to taunt him.
Conor and Jock have grown older, but not any wiser. A madcap trip sees them on the wrong side of the law as they’re given a free holiday to Colombia from a Spanish-speaking fella.