The World at War

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The World at War

Japan's involvement in World War II is the focus of this watershed in documentary-making. Narrated by the great Laurence Olivier, incredible interviews also help set the scene.

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Series 1
The final death throes of the Third Reich described by Laurence Olivier. Hitler retreats to his bunker as Germany crumbles around him and Allied troops arrive in Berlin.
Laurence Olivier provides the narration to this World War II retrospective. Hear how 1944 saw the steady disintegration of the German war machine, as the Allies advanced.
Hear how the Netherlands lived under Nazi rule for four years and how its people decided where their loyalties lay. Narrated by the the late, great Laurence Olivier.
England became a supply dump as the British and Americans assembled the largest invasion fleet in history for Operation Overlord on 6 June 1944. Laurence Olivier tells all.
Laurence Olivier narrates this 26-part series, a milestone in TV history. Germany's progress loses momentum as the tide of the war turns in favour of the Allies.
World War II as told by the late Laurence Olivier. Hear more about life on the British Home Front, a time of gas masks, digging for victory and evacuation.
The hugely respected chronology of WWII. Churchill described Italy as the 'soft underbelly of the crocodile', thinking the Allies could cut through it to reach Germany.
The ultimate guide to World War II, narrated by Laurence Olivier. Bomber Command are unable to hit their targets precisely and attack German cities under cover of darkness.
Following Operation Barbarossa in 1941, the Soviet Army battled the Germans almost alone for two years. Laurence Olivier recounts their efforts as the epic series continues.
The definitive guide to World War II, narrated by the late, great Laurence Olivier. Hear how German U-boats caused havoc among Allied merchant shipping in the Atlantic.
An epic timeline of WWII, as told by Laurence Olivier. After Hitler's initial territorial gains in Russia, his relentless advance was decisively stopped at Stalingrad.
Recalling America's entry into World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the great Laurence Olivier sheds more light on the deadliest conflict in history.
December 7, 1941 saw the infamous Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Laurence Olivier revisits this pivotal moment of World War II in the much-praised documentary series.
After Dunkirk, Britain faced an onslaught. Although the RAF won the Battle of Britain, our cities were blitzed. Laurence Olivier tells us more in the landmark series on WWII.
Legendary actor Laurence Olivier narrates the definitive series on World War II. Hear why Germany, stricken by defeat in WWI, looked to Adolf Hitler for hope.
World War II in revealing detail, narrated by the great actor Laurence Olivier. Hear how the Americans fought their way across the Pacific towards Japan and the Philippines.