The Misadventures Of Romesh Ranganathan

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The Misadventures Of Romesh Ranganathan

Romesh visits Uganda, where is he hosted by a princess who attempts to expand his knowledge of the stunning country beyond the brutal dictator Idi Amin.

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Series 3
Romesh visits Sierra Leone, a country with a dark past but great hopes for the future. With musician Gwyn Jay Allen as a guide, he explores its national parks and meets locals living truly off-grid.
Series 2
Romesh travels to Mongolia, a country which he has almost no prior knowledge of save for the fact that it is famously in the middle of nowhere.
Series 3
Romesh heads off on a journey to Romania. With the help of activist and media expert Angi Serban, he explores the many amazing things that are overlooked in this vast slice of eastern Europe.
Series 1
The comedian's first destination is Haiti, where he visits the iron market and attends vodou ceremonies.
Episodes expected soon

Series 4, Episode 2 - Rwanda

Expected on
Romesh travels to Rwanda to discover its unique culture, experience incredible wildlife and find out how the country has healed and rebuilt itself after the 1994 genocide.