The Dog Rescuers With Alan Davies

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The Dog Rescuers With Alan Davies

Rescuers step in to help a dog kept in a dark house that now suffers from vision problems.

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Series 4
Herchy Boal teams up with the police to raid a puppy farm.
Series 9
Tales of canine rescues and stories of bravery and kindness.
Series 8
More cases for the dedicated team of inspectors.
Inspector Charlotte is left reeling from the shock.
In the West Midlands Inspector Herchy Boal receives a call.
Series 6
Inspector Anthony Joynes returns to Malawi to join the LSPCA.
Staffie crosses Rocky and Bentley are extremely underweight.
Charlotte aids two border collies in hazardous conditions.
Inspector Sarah tends to a Shih Tzu with irritated skin.
Max is a rather rotund Rottweiler who has been kept indoors.
Anthony gives deaf staffie cross Isla a second chance.
Special Operations Unit raid a suspected puppy trafficker.
Angellica meets Rolo, who works as a therapy dog.
Series 6, Episode 1 - The Dog Rescuers Special of The Dog Rescuers With Alan Davies was added on Wednesday 9 February 2022. The Dog Rescuers With Alan Davies is a TV show on Channel 5. The program has been available since 2022.
Series 10
Vet Catriona Wood has serious concerns about a coughing staffy called Tyler.
Inspector Lauren gets more than she bargained for when trying to help a neglected Labrador
Inspector Rosie has grave concerns over the welfare of British Bulldog Alfie.
Inspector Anthony enlists the help of the police to rescue the Bullmastiff named Achilles.
Surgeon Eleanor assess the war wounds on two dogs who attacked each other.