State Of The Union

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State Of The Union

Ellen and Scott arrive for their final session and share their hopes for their future and their plans for the relationship.

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Series 2
Scott and Ellen have shared a magical night together, but their rekindled intimacy hits a bump when Ellen opens up to Scott about some dark thoughts.
Ellen sees Scott and Jay's friendship blossoming and that he's less afraid of intimacy, but is it enough to save their marriage?
Scott has made huge strides since beginning personal therapy, but Ellen admits that she's still keeping her options open.
After Ellen grills Scott on his understanding of intimacy, both partners are left wondering if they can give each other what they need.
After Scott derails their counsellors' relationship, Ellen is left questioning whether she wants to continue with their own.
Ellen and Scott try to assess the pain it would cause them to break up versus the pain of staying together.
Ellen tells Scott more about her newfound religion, and Scott is left feeling further from her than ever.
Scott and Ellen discuss past betrayals, and Ellen explains just how far apart they've grown.
Scott and Ellen meet for coffee to prepare for their first marital counselling session, and Ellen makes a shock announcement.