Sitting On A Fortune

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Sitting On A Fortune

Gary Lineker hosts as Jesse, Craig, Marie, Sharon, Ian, Chloe and Ali all step up to try to win £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair long enough to take the prize?

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Series 2
Gary Lineker hosts as Tiana, Neil, Adam, David, Helen, Jojo and Ali all step up to try to win £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair long enough to take the prize?
Gary Lineker hosts as Mick, Peggy, Sharon, Aaron, Johanna and Jamie all step up to try to win £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair long enough to take the prize?
Quiz show hosted by Gary Lineker. Val, Ciaran, Sue, James, Tanya and Ali step up to try to win £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair long enough to take the prize?
Stuart, Kate, Jaimi, Mark, Durelle and Amun all compete to win up to £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair until the end of the show to take the prize?
Jacqui, Garren, Anika, Susanne, Rob and Julian all compete to win a massive £100,000, but who can stay in the money chair until the end of the show to take the prize?