Secrets Of The Transport Museum

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Secrets Of The Transport Museum

Actor and writer Sanjeev Bhaskar visits Brooklands to re-live a past supersonic experience and the earliest ever Triumph motorcycle is unveiled.

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Series 2
A Mini makeover reduces its owners to tears. A replica, 1925 cycle car, that's taken six years to build, comes a cropper at Brooklands.
Bus obsessed radio DJ Ed Adoo gets the ultimate driving lesson in a double decker. Plus, a rare cutting edge bike from the past is saved by modern engineering.
Volunteer Mark visits bike building maestro Allen Millyard to choose wo models for Brooklands Motorcycle day.
A father and son team battle to get their vintage buses ready for the Brooklands bus show. Plus, a man tries to bring his great grandfather's motorcycle dreams back from the dead.
Two of the museum's most famous, and fastest vehicles go head-to-head.
A rare Brooklands glider is given a new chance at flight. Plus, a 1930s race team is pushed to the max at Goodwood.
The motorbike team create a new lubrication system to keep a 1930s BSA motorbike running. Plus, a Mini Metro and red Corvette turn heads at the Members Classic Car Show.
A young racing driver learns how to handle the Napier-Railton. Plus, a race winning Harrier jet, and pilot, are reunited.
An amazing pre-war race car, the Halford Special, is lined up to compete against a stunning Bugatti in a re-run of the first ever British Grand prix.
Series 1
A Barnes Wallis catapult is fixed by volunteers, but can they bounce bombs on water like the dam busters? A Triumph car is put through its paces in a road test.
Brookland's Concorde 'Delta Golf' has a makeover, in time for a visit from Concorde royalty.