Our School

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Our School

The Year 8s step back in time and are put to the test when the teachers set up an art gallery. However, only one of the paintings is a genuine masterpiece - can they spot the fakes?

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Series 7
A surprise visit from Blue Peter’s Mwaksy launches an exciting project for students to make their own videos. The winners will get a VIP trip behind the scenes at the BBC’s Media City.
Year 7 step out of the class, and their comfort zones, to spend a day on a farm, giving Amirah the chance to face her fear of animals.
There is tough talking and a few shocks in class as some students face the consequences for poor behaviour. Can they turn it around, or will they need to leave the form and all their friends?
From car washing to cake sales and an unusual sponsored walk, the students roll up their sleeves to see if they can help raise enough money to buy Patsy the poodle, a dog for the whole school.
The stakes are high as years 7 and 8 take each other on in an epic competition. Among the challenges are dancing, rapping, a quickfire quiz and the fearsome bucking bronco finale.
It’s a special time of year as Our School embraces the month of Ramadan and celebrates Eid.
The year 7s and 8s join forces to transform some forgotten wasteland into an outdoor school library.
What does it take to run a school? The year 8 students take on the challenge to find out.
Meeting a family of polar bears changes Sami’s perspective on the climate change crisis with winning results.
With trips abroad on hold, the staff decide to bring a holiday into school - Spanish style.
Celebrity fitness guru Joe Wicks surprises the students with a special PE lesson to help everybody feel a lot better. And there is a mood-changing music lesson with plenty of big crashes and bangs.
Thomas says he doesn’t like school and can’t see the point. What can be done to change his mind and cheer him up? The answer has four paws, a set of whiskers and a fluffy tail.
A chance to meet some of the many different pets living with the students. Miss Robinson takes a doorstep tour in a mission to find out how much they know about all their animals.
With lockdown back, some of the teachers have a cunning plan to cheer up their students - they’re taking lessons on the road, using technology to keep everyone connected and having fun.
It’s a new term for everyone at Our School - exciting but scary too. However, one of the teachers has a great idea to deal with all those nerves and get the year off to a flying start
Series 6
The students take on a 24-hour dance marathon for charity with some fun musical surprises along the way. And Year 7 look back on their first term in secondary school.
Everyone is nervous and excited about the all-singing, all-dancing end-of-term show. It’s Ben’s moment to shine as a rapper, while Mary tries to conquer her fear of performing on stage.
There is a trip to Christmas past in the magical city York, where the students experience life in the time of Charles Dickens. And there is an early present for Year 8 Ben, who is mad about trains.
Episodes expected soon

Series 7, Episode 17 - Cool to Be Kind

Expected on
Year 7 encounter the kindness corner and decide it’s time to reward their form teacher as well as pay it back to each other and some of their families.