Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing

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Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing

Paul and Bob visit the heart of the English countryside in the Surrey Hills, where they fish for carp and barbel. Health expert Dr Anand Patel joins them by the lake.

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Series 5
Paul and Bob take trusty terrier Ted to fish for perch on the River Thames. Comedian Richard Herring joins the three of them for dinner.
Paul and Bob catch the sleeper train to the Scottish Highlands to fish for ferox trout. Bob can’t resist the challenge to look for Nessie in the vast waters of Loch Ness.
Series 1
Paul fishes at the famous Bridge Pool near Christchurch in Dorset in a bid to catch sea trout - Bob arrives late, but he redeems himself by hooking the first fish of the day.
Series 5
Paul, Bob and trusty terrier Ted travel to north Wales to fish the River Dee for grayling. They try to rediscover their lost youth on this trip, with mixed results.
Series 1
Paul and Bob fish on the River Wensum in search of roach - they realise that age is taking its toll on their physicality, but Bob has a plan to help Paul recapture his youth.
Paul teaches Bob how to fly-fish for rainbow trout in the Monsal Valley in Derbyshire - they also discuss their beginnings in showbusiness and gossip about their contemporaries.
Series 5
Bob and Paul are in Devon and Somerset, where they fish for summer grilse on the River Exe. They then hit the beach to try shore fishing.
Series 1
Paul and Bob fish for the mighty barbel in Hay-on-Wye - passing a graveyard, they muse about the future and chat to a local vicar about death and their own funerals.
While in Norfolk fishing for tench, Bob tries to impress Paul and fails - after a brief respite in a local brewery, they camp down in yurts before fishing again the next day.
Series 4
Paul and Bob are on the mighty River Severn and fishing for one of the UK's lesser-known species - the zander - when This Country star Charlie Cooper visits them bankside.
Paul and Bob head to Wales on a quest to catch a wild carp - they have netted some good carp in the past, but a 'Welsh wildie' is a new and intriguing target.
Series 3
Bob and Paul revisit the River Wye in Herefordshire - having fished the Middle Wye for barbel before, this time they head to the spectacular Lower Wye to fish for chub.
Paul and Bob go lake fishing in Wiltshire and are up before sunrise to give themselves a fighting chance of catching a crucian carp, one of the UK's shyest species.
Paul and Bob return to the river where they first went fishing together after Bob's heart surgery - the Test in Hampshire - which is renowned as the home for fly-fishing.
Paul and Bob head to Norfolk and attempt to ensnare a big pike - something that has eluded them so far on their fishing trips - before Bob reveals a hidden trick to Paul.
Paul takes Bob on a trip down memory lane and back to the River Lea in Hertfordshire - where Paul used to come as a teenager with his mates - and welcomes a special guest.
Paul and Bob return to Scotland to fish for salmon once more, this time on the mighty River Tweed after a previous last-ditch attempt to catch the fish on the River Tay.
Series 2
Paul and Bob fish on the River Ure. They meet the surgeon who performed Bob's life-saving heart bypass and re-enact all the drama of the operating table.
Paul and Bob fly to Enniskillen to fish for the Pike which eluded them in series one. They discuss their respective bad habits and Bob gives Paul a thorough health update.