Hey Duggee

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Hey Duggee

When the Squirrels tell Duggee that they have nothing left to play with, he encourages them to use their imagination.

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Series 4
Norrie and her friends reflect on their first meeting and how Norrie enjoyed the peace of the Clubhouse away from her 72 siblings.
Series 3
Duggee and the Squirrels meet a lion with unfortunate breath and teach him a special song to help him learn how to brush his teeth.
Series 2
Animated preschool series. A big box is delivered to the Clubhouse and the Squirrels are very excited. What could be inside?
Series 4
The hungry Squirrels turn to Duggee when they aren’t sure what to eat. Fortunately, he has his cookbook The Clubhouse Kitchen: Tasty Bites for Hungry Squirrels.
Series 3
The Squirrels learn the many ways you can walk with the help of friends and a catchy song.
The clubhouse is inundated with stray ducklings who think Norrie is their mum, so Duggee and the Squirrels need to do some detective work to reunite them with their real mum.
Series 2
Animated preschool series. Duggee is having a lovely cup of tea in his favourite cup when Roly surprises him. Duggee jumps and drops his cup.
Series 4
The Squirrels can learn more about nature and wildlife if they follow five easy steps: watch carefully, stay at a distance, don’t interfere, be patient and alert, and stay quiet.
Series 3
The Squirrels become architects so they can design, build and bring to life their very own clubhouse.
Duggee and the Squirrels go on an adventure to find a famously shy creature called The Snard who doesn’t like noise…time to earn their Being Quiet badges!
Series 2
Animated preschool series. Duggee's made some delicious pancakes, but the clubhouse is out of honey. Time for the bees to get busy!
Series 4
The Squirrels are causing a bit too much mess in the clubhouse, so Duggee explains that they need to think more carefully about what they are doing.
Series 3
The Squirrels make their very own perfumes with accompanying advertisements to show how their perfumes are uniquely theirs.
Series 2
Animated preschool series. Mole feels sad that he couldn't pursue his childhood dream of being a stunt mole because his vision is so fuzzy. Can Duggee help?
Animated preschool series. Duggee has made a rock pool, a place of calm for all the animals. The Squirrels spot the strangest things - wriggling dots with tails.
Episodes expected soon

Series 3, Episode 4 - The Camouflage Badge

Expected on
The Squirrels meet a chameleon called Cosey and learn about how to blend into their surroundings, earning their Camouflage Badges in the process!

Series 2, Episode 13 - The Dancing Bug Badge

Expected on
Animated preschool series. When a dancing bug lands on Duggee's head, he can't stop dancing. The Squirrels see that it's a tiny hillbilly bug with a fiddle.

Series 1, Episode 20 - The Get Well Soon Badge

Expected on
Animated preschool series. Norrie is sick. Can the Squirrels think of something to cheer her up? Happy suggests a get well soon card!

Series 1, Episode 1 - The Drawing Badge

Expected on
Animated preschool series. It is raining, so Duggee and the Squirrels stay indoors to do some drawing. Can anybody guess what Duggee has drawn?