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In Morocco, a Barbary macaque leader has just won the crown. Now he must battle rivals, and the elements, to keep both his title and his huge extended family safe.

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February 2024
A spotted hyena queen, raising her family on the unforgiving grasslands of Zambia’s Liuwa Plain, struggles to keep her grip on power as a young rival emerges.
A cheetah mother must keep her precious cubs safe, preparing them for life without her. They take on dangerous prey, battle hyenas and learn that even tiny neighbours can bite back.
In southern Kenya, an incredibly rare event pushes a struggling elephant family to its limits. Can they come together and defy great odds to save their dynasty?
Documentary following endangered species fighting for their survival. A tigress must protect her cubs while battling rivals who want to steal her lands and overthrow her.
Documentary following endangered species fighting for their survival. A painted wolf matriarch's feud with her daughter threatens to bring the dynasty down.
Documentary following endangered species fighting for their survival. The lioness leader of a once mighty pride must now battle for their very survival.
Documentary following endangered species fighting for their survival. A colony of emperor penguins try to keep themselves and their chicks alive through the winter.
Documentary following endangered species fighting for their survival. David, a chimpanzee in Senegal, tries to overcome threats to his leadership and ensure an heir.