Detention Adventure

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Detention Adventure

A bright star leads these wise boys and girls to a dusty antique store in search of the next clue. They must quickly choose if the eerie shopkeeper is friend or foe as he teaches them a lesson outside of school.

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Series 3
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. With the gang all going their separate ways, they devise a plan for one more prank and a goodbye.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. Team Detention Adventure confronts Lounsberry about their findings on the Island and question his intentions.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. The Core Four must face their greatest fear of all... the end of the year dance.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. After a dangerous prank rocks the school, Kelly makes a documentary to uncover the culprit.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. Our team discover the purpose of the mysterious obelisk and reveal a long-lost treasure!
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. After swallowing three ghost peppers, Raign wakes up back at school, but everything is not as it seems...
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. The gang must venture into a forbidden valley and face their darkest fears.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. Running out of fuses quickly, the team turns to Joy and Dash's dancing skills to solve a riddle.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. After Brett blows a fuse on the colourful boardwalk, the adventurers need to infiltrate their enemies' bunks for more power.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. Following a path of lights, the adventurers find their next clue to be just as illuminating.
Family-friendly Canadian TV series. The Core Four are sent off to Island School, where they find their first clue and a mysterious new friend.