Deadly 60

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Deadly 60

Steve Backshall looks at animals that are both deadly and endangered, including the chimpanzee, mountain gorilla and harpy eagle, as well as the bizarre aye-aye.

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Series 2
Wildlife series. Steve takes a look inside some of the top predators featured on Deadly 60 to find out what makes them so deadly.
Wildlife series. Steve Backshall demonstrates how reading the tracks and signs left by an animal can lead to fantastic encounters.
Wildlife series. Steve and the crew are in Peru, searching for elusive giant river otters, when Steve has a chance encounter with the largest reptile in South America.
Wildlife series. Steve heads for the marshlands of Argentina, where he searches for an anaconda and swims in piranha-infested waters.
Wildlife series. Steve and the Deadly 60 team are on their home turf, the UK. The adventure begins in a lake as Steve dives in to track down a deadly monster.
Wildlife series. Steve and his trusty team head to the frozen north of Norway. He follows the tracks of Europe's largest cat, the elusive lynx, up into the hills.
Wildlife series. Steve dives in the beautiful waters of the Philippines to check out a shark that spends most of the day 550 metres below the surface.
Wildlife series. Steve goes nose-to-nose with a living dinosaur and meets an arachnid with legs four times longer than its body in the Philippines.
In Thailand, Steve comes face-to-face with the longest venomous snake in the world, the king cobra, whose bite could kill an elephant.