Cops On The Rock

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Cops On The Rock

Gibraltar's armed police officers arrest a man accused of making death threats to police, and Customs officers search a huge cargo boat from Colombia.

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Series 1
The Drug Squad hunts for an illegal fuel stash hidden deep in the Rock of Gibraltar, and Customs officers find valuable intelligence in an abandoned boat.
Customs officers come across a suspicious boat, far out at sea at night, which they think is part of a smuggling operation and is refuelling the smugglers' speedboats.
Drug Squad Sergeant Gerry and his team receive intel that three individuals are claiming responsibility for a primary school fire, a mission close to Gerry's heart.
Customs officers spring into action after news of a sinking boat - on land, Sergeant Steve uses good old-fashioned legwork to track down two stolen scooters.
Customs officers come across a suspicious boat, far out at sea at night, which they think is part of a smuggling operation that is refuelling the criminals' speedboats.
Customs officers spring into action after news of a sinking boat - on land, Sergeant Steve uses good old-fashioned leg work to track down two stolen scooters.