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Using a HAT and a MUG, Alphablocks H and M build sandcastles. Alphablock I thinks it’s a competition and decides to be the judge.

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Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. J wants to sing and fly like a bird - can A and friends help?
Series 5
Alphablocks C and K want to be the only one to make their sound. C makes CAT and CAP. K makes KID and KIT. They are happy when they realise that they make different words.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who make words come to life by holding hands. The Alphablocks play hide-and-seek.
Series 5
At bedtime, Alphablock P tries to get her pet, Pip, to SIT, relax with a PAT, and SIP a drink from a TAP. Exhausted, she takes a NAP, and Pip falls asleep too... or does she?
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. S, P, A, C and E wonder what is up past the sky, and soon find out.
Series 5
In the Alphablocks’ new play, a giant threatens to topple the town with his exuberant kicking. Can the townsfolk find somewhere for him to play football?
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. S, T, O and P get caught on a runaway bus: what can they do?
Series 5
OO can make different sounds. Alphablock M dreams they make MOO and ride on a cow, go round a LOOP, pass some FOOD, meet a flying BOOK, visit a WOOD and a COOK, and eat GOOD FOOD.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. P, A, R and Y plan a surprise for T - but first they must get out of a trap!
Series 5
Alphablock H makes not just one HEN, but three. The pen helps to give them names with capital letters: PEN, JEN and ZEN. And there’s one more name to be given - BEN the pen!
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Series 5
N needs animals for the farm. He is amazed when the singing vowels use a JET, a ZIP, a bubble that goes POP and a pool of MUD to produce a cow, two hens, a sheep and a pig.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. Letters A and I pair up to make a new and exciting sound.
Series 5
Can Alphablocks A and B race all the way around Alphaland in one day? Yes, with the help of a taxi CAB, a BUS, an underwater SUB and a YAK. As the sun sets, they RUN over the finishing line.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. O has fun doubling up and making new and different oo sounds.
Series 5
Alphablock L tells a story about how Alphablock U helps a fox CUB find its mum. They cross a river in a TUB, shelter in a HUT, fly on the back of a BUG, and then find MUM in a forest clearing.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. It's race day - will V vroom vroom to victory?
Series 5
Uncertain about jumping to the top of the vowels’ acrobatic tower, Alphablock U rejects the offer of a crash MAT, a safety NET and new KIT. But, excited to HOP, he goes UP at last.
Series 1
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. When the Alphablocks' party is a flop, superhero Exciting X comes to the rescue.