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The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. When a flying-saucer crash lands, F makes a new friend.

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Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. It's big bop night, but bass player B falls out with drummer D over musical differences.
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. H makes a hen, who lays an egg, which rolls away. The Alphablocks hop to it and give chase.
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. R loves pretending to be a pirate, so she rustles up a ship and takes her crew on a ride.
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. U gets the balloon ride of his life, but he is still unhappy - or so he thinks!
Series 5
OO can make different sounds. Alphablock M dreams they make MOO and ride on a cow, go round a LOOP, pass some FOOD, meet a flying BOOK, visit a WOOD and a COOK, and eat GOOD FOOD.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. P, E and N take on a pesky pen, who can draw anything it wants to escape them.
Series 5
Alphablock H makes not just one HEN, but three. The pen helps to give them names with capital letters: PEN, JEN and ZEN. And there’s one more name to be given - BEN the pen!
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. Somehow, P, O and P have popped I's dot, and she is not very happy.
Series 5
N needs animals for the farm. He is amazed when the singing vowels use a JET, a ZIP, a bubble that goes POP and a pool of MUD to produce a cow, two hens, a sheep and a pig.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. A makes friends with a cat but soon starts sneezing and bouncing all over.
Series 5
Can Alphablocks A and B race all the way around Alphaland in one day? Yes, with the help of a taxi CAB, a BUS, an underwater SUB and a YAK. As the sun sets, they RUN over the finishing line.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. K can kick but C can't - so it's word-magic-for-goalposts and a kid keeping score.
Series 5
Alphablock L tells a story about how Alphablock U helps a fox CUB find its mum. They cross a river in a TUB, shelter in a HUT, fly on the back of a BUG, and then find MUM in a forest clearing.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. O is fascinated as G grows her green hair into a grassy garden.
Series 5
Uncertain about jumping to the top of the vowels’ acrobatic tower, Alphablock U rejects the offer of a crash MAT, a safety NET and new KIT. But, excited to HOP, he goes UP at last.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. D is ready to rock - he has his drumsticks but nothing to bang on.
Series 5
Alphablocks O and G search for T. A DOG helps, but they lose it. They run on a LOG, then make a BOG to attract the dog. The dog finds T lost in a FOG. They make a POT and have tea.
Series 2
The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. M is very hungry, so he and his friends make a gingerbread man - but he runs off.
Series 5
Searching for treasure, the Alphablocks ride towards a BIG tree on the back of a PIG. They feed it a FIG and accidentally make it a WIG. At the tree, they DIG up something unusual.