Allo Allo

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Allo Allo

More French farce with a dash of British sauce. When the Communist Resistance steals the Fallen Madonna, Rene is ordered to pay the ransom.

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Series 2
David Croft's wartime comedy gives the opportunity for hammy acting dressed in leather. Down in the dungeons of the chateau, Herr Flick awaits his victims.
I shall say this only once - another episode of the classic wartime sitcom. Monsieur Alfonse and Rene are set to duel over the hand of Edith.
Terrible accents to the fore in the classic World War II sitcom. Rene and Captain Geering are ambushed by the Resistance, while Edith gets a proposal.
While Rene believes he is finally getting rid of the British airmen, another agent is dropped by parachute, disguised as a French policeman with a bad accent.
Cheeky laughs in occupied France, by brilliant writers Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft. The British airmen are back in Rene's cafe, having failed to escape.
Classic wartime comedy with some saucy Brit humour and a dash of French farce. Edith takes advantage of Rene's presumed demise to search for a new husband.
Series 1
The wartime sitcom that's loved across Europe for its gloriously un-PC humour. The Germans throw a party and get the girls to dress up as Hitler Youth.
Long-suffering Rene struggles with his wife, his many lovers, the Germans and a couple of Englishmen hiding in his wardrobe in the rip-roaring wartime sitcom.
Klop! Wartime hi-jinks with a pan-European range of characters. Rene is imprisoned by General von Klinkerhoffen, who orders General von Strohm to make him suffer.
Comical wartime antics with unlikely Casanova, Rene Artois. An explosive bottle of gin causes chaos in the cafe. The late Gordon Kaye stars.
More saucy wartime farce from Rene's cafe. I say, chaps, Fairfax and Carstairs are captured by the Resistance. And carrier pigeons end up on the cafe's menu.
Classic farce in the wartime cafe owned by the ultimate French lover. Rene and the Colonel decide to smuggle out the two British airmen disguised as Germans.
The very first pilot episode of the comedy that ran for longer than World War II itself. Rene is lumbered with the task of looking after British airmen.
Series 9
More laughs with famous babe magnet Rene and the gang. The Resistance disguise their latest dangerous operation behind a carnival float with a fishy theme.
Wartime hijinks. Renee's attempted assignations with Yvette in the broom cupboard seem more fraught with danger than any other resistance activity.
Carry On-style comedy from the writers of Are You Being Served? The village and the Germans pay their respects to the supposed mortal remains of Rene.
Wartime sitcom full of funny names. Rene is taken prisoner by Louise of the Communist Resistance, who tells him he's to be her love slave!
Farcical fun. As the war nears its end, The Colonel and Gruber make an escape bid to Spain and Herr Flick has had extensive plastic surgery.
Series 8
More old school humour in the wartime comedy. Renee and Edith face the German firing squad following a bungled Resistance operation.