24 Hours in A&E

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24 Hours in A&E

Ky, 18, has been knocked off her motorbike. Aleks, 41, has fallen from her loft. As her husband arrives at the hospital, doctors are still unsure whether she has brain damage. (S16 Ep6)

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Series 14
Tony, 48, and his father have been in a motorbike crash. After being kicked by a horse, Alison has a broken leg. Harry, who's 12, has been in a 10-bike pile-up at a velodrome. (S15 Ep3)
Series 19
Iris, who's 91, comes to St George's with two severe leg fractures. Medics are worried that she may not survive. Elijah has injured a finger on a kebab slicer. Alison has sepsis. (S25 Ep2)
Series 14
Gary, who's 50, is brought in to A&E after a garage collapsed and fell on his legs. Maggie, who's 83, has suspected sepsis. And toddler George has drunk nail varnish remover. (S14 Ep4/9)
Stephen, 48, has severely damaged his ankle after coming off his bike deep in the woods. Derek has had a suspected stroke. Bridget broke her wrist on a mountain path in Greece. (S15 Ep17)
This episode explores the strength of parental love. Marie, who's 31, has collapsed with a headache. Doting dad Andy brings in 10-month-old Erin, who has a build-up of ear wax. (S14 Ep2/9)
Series 12
This shocking episode follows three women who are rushed to St George's after being stabbed in broad daylight in a random attack in a supermarket car park in Surrey. (S14 Ep3/9)
John was thrown from his bike at high speed and is in an induced coma. Drama student Florian has injured his foot. He explains how his family fled Kosovo when he was a child. (S13 Ep11/12)
An episode exploring the importance of family. Mike, who's 79, has collapsed in the street. Andrew, who's 53, tripped on a paving slab and has a suspected dislocated shoulder. (S13 Ep10/12)
Series 19
Alicia, who's 14, is rushed to A&E after falling head first off her bike. Geoffrey can't breathe due to an ear infection. And plasterer Jonny has had a serious accident at work. (S22 Ep4)
Series 12
Lee, who's 36, has been in a high-speed crash. Jeroen, who's 34, has been knocked off his bike. And 21-year-old vlogger Chris has dislocated his finger playing basketball. (S13 Ep7/12)
Kim, who's 58, has been run over by a lorry and has suffered severe blood loss. Patrick, who's 65, has fallen from a loft ladder and may have a fractured pelvis and spine. (S13 Ep6/12)
This episode explores the notions of luck and chance, when a young man is involved in a high-speed car crash and an 18-year-old breaks his leg while playing football. (S13 Ep5/12)
Lewis, who's 18, has come off a motorbike and collided with two cars. Sam, who's 27, fainted and cut his lip while smoking a Cuban cigar at a barbecue. (S13 Ep3/12)
Joan has severe pain in her chest, arm and jaw. Roofer Mark has fallen 10 feet off a ladder. Josie fell and hit her head while performing a Dirty Dancing routine on a hen do. (S13 Ep8/12)
Series 19
Graham, who's 50, is rushed to hospital after falling off his motorbike at high speed. Meanwhile, 76-year-old Joyce is struggling to breathe after a fall at home. (S29 Ep1)
Series 12
This episode explores the changing nature of relationships between parents and children. Judith, who's 79, has been in a traffic accident, and Mohammad, 80, has fallen at home. (S13 Ep2/12)
Shea and Bob are both 17. Shea's been stabbed, while Bob has impaled his leg on a fence. And 33-year-old James arrives by ambulance after fainting at home. (S13 Ep1/12)
Episodes expected soon

Series 14, Episode 6

Expected on
Leon's been in a head-on collision with a car. Graham's sustained a rugby injury and has lost feeling in his limbs. Elliott, who's four, has a foreign object stuck up his nose. (S14 Ep6/9)

Series 14, Episode 5

Expected on
This episode shows how families unite in tough times. Adam has been in a high-speed motorcycle accident. Richard has a high heart rate. Pia, who's 10, fell and hurt her knee. (S14 Ep5/9)